Monday, August 8, 2011

Happy Healthier ME!

Ok so for some time now I have been needing to loose a lot of weight. Quite honestly close to about 50lbs would make me feel good. My mom has always been the best example to me of weight loss as I have seen her drop lbs quickly by doing natural diets over the years. No diet pills, only clean healthly foods. So starting August 22nd I will start my journey! I have to stick to it, no excuses! I have no reason why I cant do it, only my head telling me stupid things. I know at least the first week maybe 2 will suck but it will be worth it. I am saying this because if I put it out there and tell people I have to stick to it. I would honestly put my weight on here but I dont even know how much I weigh I dont even own a scale. So once I invest in one of those I will tell everyone were I am at and were I want to be. I know this is not going to be easy for me, I am going to try to bring my family in on this as much as I can. However my boys will need to keep the basic food groups in their diets as they need everything they eat. As for William I am hoping I can get him to join me as I am sure he will maybe just not to the extreme that I am going. The sad part about that is I am sure he will drop 20lbs in his sleep like men tend to do. On a positive note I know he will support me and be a huge strength as I kick my body into shape. I am not expecting to have a bikini body as having kids changes to many things. Even with a flat tummy there are some things people just should be spared. I have to do this! I can do this!! I am ready to do this! Start to finish! Not that there ever is a finish to a healthy lifestyle, it will be an ongoing life change for me. I am just ready for this and ready to start from the beginning and not try to jump somewhere in the middle only to eventually give up when I stop seeing results. I know this works, I know this will work for me and I am excited for the change and to be a happier healthier me!

1 comment:

Tasha said...

We can do it together since about that time I'm going to need to kickstart my diet/exercise routine anyway! I refuse to gain all the weight back, especially since I managed to finish this pregnancy at what I started it at!