Wednesday, May 2, 2012

A few more

Finally some PICS!

This was about 2 months ago when it was still chilly here. William was so great about taking the boys to the park and getting them out of the house when I was sick. He would make them breakfast every morning and get Cadyn off to school. Saturdays they would always go over to the park all morning. The boys loved it! Now they are enjoying helping Papa do yard work. Which I hope continues because I sure am not doing it hehe.

Monday, March 19, 2012


What makes you feel pretty? What makes you feel like you can walk with your head held high? I did not wear makeup for 2 weeks seriously... 2 weeks! Yesterday as I was getting ready for church it was like I was looking at someone else in the mirror I applied layer by layer. Then finally I could see the person I am comfortable looking at in the mirror. But why have I let this thing over take me as a person and define who I am? I have yet to figure this out. There are those woman that are confident without makeup on and feel "free" or whatever. I feel like a monster and seriously do not even like looking at myself in the mirror. I do not have great skin as it is but I like to pretend that I do. I am stuck somewhere in between teenage acne meets rosacea. Anyway reguardless of how ugly I feel without it I know the real person is on the inside. How does that real person come out if they feel insecure on the outside? Is this even possible? Do you ever feel crushed by those you love the most and it makes you feel even more ugly? I think if we are surrounded by those who love us for who we are this is the real ticket to being able to find that person on the inside regaurdless of the outside. Ok enough of the depressing blabbing... it just made me think yesterday as I applied makeup.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Strange times...

Sometimes I feel like the only person that has super strange experiances so I thought I would share some of them and maybe it will make my day be a little better. As I right now I feel ....just that, strange!

Last night I was super tired as I was sick all day yesterday so I called it an early night and went to bed with my sick boy while the hubby watched some tv. At about 10:45pm I start to hear music in my sleep...I thought I was dreaming until I kinda in a groggy fashion tuned into reality. I realized there was music playing and it was fairly loud. I was William watching a show SUPER SUPER loud?...until I here is overly loud snore and realize he is sleeping. Then I am thinking someones having a party? Then I start to get this weird feeling and start to listen to my surroundings. I hear someone scream "GOD HELP ME" several times followed by crying. By this time I am terrified! I jump out of bed, shake my husband awake and tell him what I just heard. We then realize its our neighbor. I was not sure what to do... I mean do I go knock on her door? What? I was having the creepy feeling the whole time I am trying to figure out what to do. William says, if we here her again he will go see if she is ok. Also may I remind you this whole time there is SUPER loud music.... Christian music, but however super loud, late at night, and screaming lady. We wait and listen for a while then realize she is walking around and switching through the songs while talking to herself or God. Then figure she is not dead and we can go back to bed. I know that everyone is different everyone has moments everyone responds differently and everyone has different ways of "worship" as my husband put it so kindly. However, I cannot help but still feeling creeped out. It was a super strange experiance for me as I am laying in bed wide awake til 2 in the morning thinking she is planning on committing suicide or something.

Then of course we have our crazy neighbors with the whole crazy attack dog that they decided to beat with a 2X4. We have been dealing with this from the moment we moved in. Even after turning them in and them knowing it was me. I am not as scared of them as I am about the previous story... I mean whatever "cut me ese" I am like 3 times the size of you and not affraid of using force! hehe Not really but seriously I am way more creeped out by strange chanting/praying and voodoo and creepy witchy or things that I feel are our of my control. Not saying that is what was going on but still uh creeping feeling....

Then today, I always have lunch with Cadyn at school on Fridays. I love it and he loves it. However I am not a fan of rude people! I realize you may have 12 children and I think its great you come have lunch with them however do not shove yourself in a 2 inch spot next to my son. I dont care if you dont speak english facial expressions are world wide honey and I sure you understood. Some people!!! Also another rude comment, my son does not need to see half naked women picking their children up from school. Especially when you (guessing) weigh 250 and are 5'2''. It is just not ok and I feel bad for your children.

In my crazy rant I have come to realize I am not willing to settle for just any house when we buy. It will be on at least an acre and have no close neighbors. I may not be able to choose the people in my neighborhood but I can choose to avoid living close to ANYONE. I am trying to be patient for when that day eventually comes.

Hope everyone is having a way better week than myself :)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Just realized!

I used to be really good at check prices mostly between Walmart and Costco. I have slowly gotten off track and frankly a large year pay cut doesn't help matters. I just do what I can where I can these days. I was doing really good with couponing, but just recently have stopped as the time it takes me to search and figure it all out was to much. For some reason to be hard core is not something I can wrap my head around. I just do a little here and there, anyway back to Walmart and Costco. I just noticed that I always buy the generic brand of pasta at walmart most of the time unless another store has a sale it is always the cheapest. However I just noticed you can get 8 bags of whole wheat pasta at Costco for almost the same price we are talking cents in difference here! I never thought to look, most of the time assuming that it would be spendy. I usually stick to my usual list at Costco, bread, milk, cheese, fruits and veggies! Now I have decided I am going to get back into making a list and being more cautious as I get ready to go shopping. I will price check and match with other stores when I go to Walmart. I am also going to check out the Grocery Outlet... a store 3 years ago I would not step foot into. It always looked run down and gross a place I would never want to eat anything from. However they have just remade the whole store and it looks nice now. Also heck if I can save a buck its worth it! So anyway back to saving and less spending... here's to living frugal and loving it!