Thursday, December 15, 2011
Real quick
OK I could go on and on but I have to so much to do today so that all I got for now!!
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Check this out!!
Here it is go check her blog out!
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Monday, November 21, 2011
The Hand Your Dealt
When I look back on my life I feel like I was dealt a crappy hand. I have always been the person that asks why me? I have let it eat me alive, I live to serve and love it. I am good at putting on my makeup but don't like to look at myself in the mirror when I have to take it off. I can pretend to be the life of the party and have always like attention. If I am not the center or at least enjoying myself then why I am here. I have always felt like I can get my way, and if I don't you better watch out. If you haven't seen me at my worst then you don't know me. If you know me you know I can be a real you know what and can be your worst enemy. Why am I telling you this? Because I am ready to throw those cards away. I am tired of holding them in my hand and looking at them and still feeling lost no matter how good the hand is....
Yesterday I woke up with a mild headache. This is a pretty normal thing for me so I thought nothing of it. Went to church, had dinner with the mother in law afterwards. The whole time my head is pounding but once again thought nothing of it this is just a day in the life of Caryn. I came home a took a nap, when I woke up I didn't really know were I was. I didn't know what day it was, I thought my husband was getting ready to go to work. After about 10 minutes my brain was kinda back on track, but the pain was to much. I have dealt with migraines before but nothing like this. The left side of my body was weak my face felt tense and my speech was slurred. I was just going to deal though because.... this was the hand I was dealt. Our health insurance doesn't kick in until the 1st we our so broke. Why would I go to the doctor? Well of course my husband insisted because hey who wouldn't take their half brain dead spouse to the ER? I always say I never want to go because of money... always. What the real reason? The real reason is because going back to the cards, I feel like I have been dealt a crappy hand. I just know when I go they are going to tell me I have a brain tumor and 3 months to live. When I think about the possibilities of being ill I can deal with it. I cant leave my kids I wont leave my kids EVER. Its not an option in my mind it is just not possible.
When I was 3 my father was murdered at gun point, when I was 7 my granddad committed suicide, when I was 9 my grandfather died of cancer, when I was 12 my mother got divorced, when I was 14 my mother admitted to me that she was using, when I was 15 I was all alone left to fend for myself. I lived life like I wanted, I had no one to answer to, I made bad choices along with some good ones. I just lived. That's all I did I just existed, I did what I needed to do so no one asked questions. I put on a happy smile and live life because I did not know what else to do. I was broken inside and have never done anything about it. I cried myself to sleep in my apartment at the age of 17 on Christmas Eve because once again I was alone. Even now I have an amazing husband two beautiful children and a life and I still just live it. WHY? I am always one to preach about black and white areas saying there is no gray and yet I have been living in the grey for 25 years. I don't embrace life the way I should I don't appreciate things the way I should I don't love like I should. I have walked around living on egg shells just waiting for them to break. My heart cant take it anymore the anxiety that I have built up inside me is coming out in other areas. I need to live, I need to love, and I need to stop looking back at the cards that don't even matter. Most of all I need to rely on my Heavenly Father.
I have been selfish and mean and uncaring because I am wrapped up still in my own life my past life. The life I don't even life anymore the life that I cant get ride of that's not letting me live my current life. The thing is I am choosing it.... but I am done! I have been giving the tools I need to make it better to allow my kids to have the life they deserve. We all get handed a crappy hand sometimes and we just have to play it, make it, live it! Because its only a matter of time before you get a royal flush. My royal flush has been here I just haven't seen it I haven't been able to live it because I have been living the life of a crappy hand that doesn't even exist anymore. Joy is mine for the taking its here it real anyone can have it no matter what their hand is.
I need to become me again so I can be the best I can be for my family. Not hide behind someone who seeks social attention for the fear of being alone. I was never alone I just allowed myself to feel alone. Life is mine for the taking and I am taking it. I am going to live it and love it because hey it could always be worse ;)
PS I am not dying....
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Friday, August 26, 2011
Old video
Our Chevy Chase Day
This day was filled with adventures that made us crack up at ourselves. It started off with the fact that we had to drive a really old van. People were staring at us, probably because we would wave and smile at everyone who looked at us. We were all smashed in this thing. I mean fitting my rear between two car seats is not easy. We drove all the way to Markleeville, California in this thing. I was pleasantly surprised at the get up and go it had up the mountains hehe. Anyway it was a fun ride, and so worth it the mountains were amazing and the hot springs refreshing!
We then proceeded to feed a little squirell which we probably were not supposed to do. But the kids enjoyed it I couldjust imagine the things mouth start to foam and it jump in the old van and start attacking Williams mom or something. HAHA William also decided to change his clothes behind the door of the van! We spared you that part and it is not in the video. hehe
We the headed home and I wanted to record the mountians cause I knew I would miss them. The whole time I videoed upside down! Dont ask me how it looked right from my point of view.
Needless to say it was a great day!! California was beautiful as always and the weather was great, a little chilly for us people from H-E double hockey stick or (Texas) but it was amazing. Cant wait to go back!
It been to long....

Monday, August 8, 2011
Happy Healthier ME!
Saturday, August 6, 2011
My Masterpiece Theater

Saturday, July 23, 2011
Your name is what?
Well lo and behold Reagan was a man. Dangit, I was thinking, I wish I had said I wanted a girl too. To late now! We head back and they ask if we needed to use the restroom. William was like um yeah.... He looks at me and is like "I need those" I was like need what? He look at me with his annoyed face and was like "I need those!" I was getting sightly embarrassed, and was like "William we will get dressed in the room." He was like OH, ok.
I am sure the massage people where like what the heck? I am sure they thought we where like either weird and kinky or my husband had a medical condition that he did not list on the paper. So, we get to our room they show us where to put our clothes and walk out of the room. I reach in my bag and throw Williams BATMAN, underwear at him. This was the "those" item he was referring to at the bathroom stop!
Anyway the massage was going well, I mean I did not enjoy him rubbing my legs at all. Not even relaxing. I was excited as he moved to my back, UNTIL..... my hand was cupping something I did not want to be touching. At first I was thinking naaa its just his upper thigh maybe his arm? I was thinking what the heck should I do? I mean if I pull my hand away quickly he would obviously know that I was assuming it was his...... well, manhood. If I just laid there and did nothing then I felt like I was committing a horrible sin. Then when it happened a second time! I was like ok that is not his upper thigh. Gross... so not only was I already uncomfortable, but then you not once, but twice you have your pelvis area to close to the table. So as he stepped away from the table I pulled my hands in as close to my body as they would go and the experience did not happend again. Thank goodness!
Yes, I told my husband when we got out to the car. He just laughed at me! He was like "see.... that is exactly why I would never have a man rubbing my back" I was thinking yeah well whatever who names their boy Reagan anyway!
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
A need a real journal
1. I would be able to express my feelings without judgment
2. I would be able to release stress if need be through my writting.
3. I would not feel like I was hurting or offending anyone by my writting.
4. Nobody will read it til after I am dead so they cant make fun of me. :)
5. Sometimes I feel like I have no girlfriends to talk to from the heart anymore so at least I can talk to myself. hehe
6. I know by doing a journal I am also following advice from leaders :) which in turn may actually teach me something.
and thats all folks
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Love this show!
New Place

Collyn loves swimming, if we arent home you know where to find us.
WallE is enjoying the new place too.

Flat top stoves ROCK so easy to clean
My shoes have a place!

Living room

Fireplace SO EXCITED to use this during the winter

We are really enjoying our new place. However it always seems we move in next to smokers I am not sure why this always happens but at lease these places are built really well and we cant smell anything. I feel like we are fairly even they have to listen to my kids run around above them, and I have to occasionally smell their smoke when I am outside. The only difference is my kids wont kill them! On a happy note, I am having fun decorating, to bad I am not rich so I could fill my house with decor :) I am sure it will take me a year to get everything I want in the place that I want. It would be amazing to me if we lived here for a year though since we seem to move all the time. This is actually the first place that we really love though. The fireplace goes through into the boys room at first I was kinda nervous but I love it. I can spy on them while they play. We also have a garage! I know, I know, to some this may just be your everyday but to me this is a luxury! My car loves it and the leather in my car will thank me. Oh and I have 2 pantry's TWO! Ahh food storage here I come! Anyway we are ready for visiters!! :)
Monday, June 20, 2011
This is for you... you know who you are!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Happy Days
Friday, May 27, 2011
Vacation Home

Monday, May 16, 2011
Under the thumb
Friday, May 13, 2011
Playing catchup

My son peed in a cup for the first time (FYI he really had no other option) It took some very very long contemplation before he figured he could do it. The horrible part was as we where sitting in the Carls Jr. drive through for the last 25 minutes they kindly asked me to pull forward and I sat out front for another 10! I walked in and kindly threw the McDonalds cup in the trash! Wouldn't want to litter or anything plus they made me wait to long they deserved it!

I bought some awesome neon food coloring to do a cake for a baby shower. My kids somehow climbed up on the counter and got it our of the baking cabinet. I was just sweeping and mopping the kitchen thinking nothing of it. Cadyn often makes his own PB&J's (I think its important to teach my kids to be self suffciant) Anyway so I didn't even really look up. Next thing I know they are playing their bedroom like they often do. Collyn comes running out with something all over his legs. I figured it was marker (which we don't have in our house unless they are supervised) Then I thought hmmm we don't have markers? I walked into the room to see the "RAINBOW" carpet! There carpets was ruined and Collyn had pink face for about 3 days! We will be replacing the carpet before we move out... yay us!
Family Pictures
Friday, May 6, 2011
Worst mother of the year award!
The worst mother
Monday, May 2, 2011
Cake Continuation

1 1/3 c. all purpose flour
1/2 c. corn meal
1 tsp. baking powder
1/4 tsp. salt
6 Tbsp. softened butter
3/4 c. gran. sugar
1/4 c. brown sugar
2 eggs
1/2 c. milk
a dash of cinnamon
1 c. of cherry pie filling (you could use fresh)
In a mixing bowl I added the flour, corn meal, baking powder, and salt. Then I mixed together, the sugars, eggs, and butter in a separate bowl. Then I added it to the mixing bowl of dry ingredients then slowly poured in the milk. Don't over mix it. Then fold in the cherry filling and the cinnamon. It should be lightly swirled through the batter. Then I baked it in the crock pot on high for like 90 minutes. But I would bake it in the oven at 325 for about 25 minutes. Watch it on the time since I didn't cook it in the over I am not sure how long to leave it in for. Maybe start with 15 and check it from there. Let me know if you try and it and what you think. You could also use other fruit of your choice too. Like I said we ate it warm with vanilla ice cream. You could eat it however.
Here ya go
Sunday, May 1, 2011
mmmm elk
Thursday, April 28, 2011
So very very smart....
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Depressing Day...More like pitty party
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Its done :D

Thursday, April 21, 2011
Monday, April 18, 2011
Late Night Fiesta (10pm) Experiance

Thursday, April 14, 2011
Ideas from the peanut gallery
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Larger than life

Friday, April 1, 2011
Today has been a DAY!