Today has just been one of those days!!! Not sure what it was...woke up feeling fine and then it began. Could it possibly be that I live with a 2 year old going on 3? Maybe OK most definitely!! I have no idea why people say that 2 is a horrible age. I find it to be amazing. Then they get to 3 and something happens somehow the sweet adorable kid you knew turns all crazy! I will have to confess I did have a freak out at Sonic today. I pulled up and was super excited to get some relief by sucking down a cherry limeade only to see that I left my debit card at home! It think maybe it could have a lot more to do with me at this point than my children. Being a woman we all know that sometimes we tend to get a little crabby! Yes I will blame it on PMS! Ok lets say 3/4 PMS and 1/4 children having a crabby day. Ahhh but now the days is almost over and my husband is almost home. Tomorrow is Conference and I get to fill my mind and body with the rejuvenation that it needs.
Perry told me you had a blog now I had to look over his shoulder at your facebook post and was so excited to see you joining the blogging world. Its way better then facebook. its a great way to journal your daily triumphs good and bad. im sooooo happy to finally reconnect with you and see what youre up to. keep in touch okay new blogging friend.
Keri, you need to add me! I have no idea how to find your blog since it is blocked. I wanna see those beautiful boys!
love LOVE the background you chose! You need a cell phone, you could've called me and I would've come to and bought you some relief lol! Not like you haven't done it for me before!
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