I think this was the quickest trip I have ever taken but it was AWESOME!! I got to see almost everyone on my trip and it was great! to bad I forgot my camera. The trip started off with a plane ride that was more like a roller coaster. I woke up at 3am to catch my plane and say goodbye to the boys and the hubby. Collyn was crying and it was breaking my heart as I walked away. My heart was pounding as I got the airport I haven't flown by myself in years! I know that sounds lame but I really do not like flying at all, and taking a trip by myself without the kids and hubby was a first for me. As I got ready to board the plane I looked out the window to see the tiniest plane I have ever seen, besides the ones that they have to flick the spinner thing in the front. As I boarded there was one seat on one side and two seats on the other. Seriously the smallest plane EVER!! Luckily I did not have to sit next to someone with as large of a rear end as mine or we would have been in for some (uncomfortable) trouble. As I landed in Denver and realized I had to exit the plane by walking down the stairs and onto the tarmac I remembered I had left the sweater I was going to bring on my bed at home. It was instant goosebumps as I walked out into the windy rain weather. Then the "bag people" drug all the luggage out from under the plane and allowed all their lovely passengers to sift through and grab their bags! What the heck? I felt like I had just landed in a foreign country! It was hard to believe that service like this still existed in the US. Not saying I expect first class, and for the price I paid for that ticket I really should not have expected more. After making way to Billings in another tiny plane I was relieved to arrive and get the vacation started. My mom picked my up and we headed to my cousin Tamis beautiful spanking new house for lunch. It was great to see her girls and Brady boy who is so big and cute as ever. We then headed off to Worland where I got to meet my moms boyfriend for the first time. I have to be honest I was a little worried! (sorry mom) However, I was pleasantly surprised and think Earnie fits so well into our family. He is awesome and I am so happy for them. We went out to dinner at Butch's for my birthday and enjoyed a yummy buffalo burger. Then I headed out for a crazy night with my cousin, then watching her barf the next morning really reminds me that FOR SURE I am not missing out on anything. It was great to catch up with some old friends though. I had been awake for 24 hours since my plane left at 3 am the morning before and I figured it was time for bed. Then when the sun came up a couple hours later my mom and I where off to Casper and then her car broke down. Awesome it never fails that something like this always happens when we are together. After that dilemma we where on our way to Casper and made it in time for dinner. I met my cousins boyfriend and for sure he is a keeper! Her kids are also getting so big and super cute! The next morning we headed off to Guernsey to see Lacey graduate. Her graduation was one of the best graduations I have ever been to EVER! It was interesting and fun. We then headed to her house for the party afterwards and it was super fun! I miss my sisters already and all my family it was so great to be able to see all of them even though it was a short trip it was well worth it. I finally made it home after hours of layovers and the possibility of having to sleep in the Denver airport I made it home safely, just in time for the lovely tornado's! That's a whole nother story though!
~mother, I love beans!! BAHAHA
I rode in a plane like that from Denver to Riverton- IN PITCH BLACK. I couldnt even see my hand infront of my face let alone out the windows of the plane. I could see the pilot though- since the cockpit was wide open. A little scary:)
Oh my gosh! Yeah this plane was not that bad but it was pretty bad. I would be so scared, how did you even handle that? Was there other people on the plane? They are like "here is your drink" and then spill it on you cause they cant see. lol jk
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