I was thinking a lot about the video that was posted on you tube showing Mitt Romney being asked about his views on gay marriage by a gay Vietnam vet. People were just bashing the video and saying how Mitt looked stupid and how he avoided the question, when he did nothing of the sort. He replied with a perfect statment on his beliefs. It was simple yet showed how he felt about the topic. It really makes me angry when people throw this topic around. Really angry!! I have absolutly nothing against gay people I feel that they have the right to choose as they please. We are all given agency and they can live life as they want and as Americans and a country full of diversity we should have tolerance of others just as they do of us, because we are all different. However, when people freak out and think that they deserve the right to be married to their partner because they live here.... it blows my mind. I firmly believe they are making a choice reguardless of the fact they feel like they are born that way. Thats like me saying I was born fat. Well truthfully I kinda was but my point it we are all born the same sinless amazing beautiful children of our Heavenly Father. Its the things in life that form and mold us however once again your life is a choice.... I could also say well because of things that happened to me in my life I am an alcoholic, or a druggy or what have you! No matter how you are raised you make the choice of what your furture holds. You make the choice to be different people except you as you are but please do not infrindge upon our rights to vote against something that goes against what we believe or how we feel because you made a different choice.
OK I could go on and on but I have to so much to do today so that all I got for now!!
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