Cadyn was trying to help out our awesome maintenance guy fix the door. 
Collyn loves swimming, if we arent home you know where to find us.

Collyn loves swimming, if we arent home you know where to find us.
WallE is enjoying the new place too.

Flat top stoves ROCK so easy to clean
My shoes have a place!

Living room

Fireplace SO EXCITED to use this during the winter

Dining area

Bedroom, there is a super cute nook off to the right that goes out onto a private patio.
We are really enjoying our new place. However it always seems we move in next to smokers I am not sure why this always happens but at lease these places are built really well and we cant smell anything. I feel like we are fairly even they have to listen to my kids run around above them, and I have to occasionally smell their smoke when I am outside. The only difference is my kids wont kill them! On a happy note, I am having fun decorating, to bad I am not rich so I could fill my house with decor :) I am sure it will take me a year to get everything I want in the place that I want. It would be amazing to me if we lived here for a year though since we seem to move all the time. This is actually the first place that we really love though. The fireplace goes through into the boys room at first I was kinda nervous but I love it. I can spy on them while they play. We also have a garage! I know, I know, to some this may just be your everyday but to me this is a luxury! My car loves it and the leather in my car will thank me. Oh and I have 2 pantry's TWO! Ahh food storage here I come! Anyway we are ready for visiters!! :)
We are really enjoying our new place. However it always seems we move in next to smokers I am not sure why this always happens but at lease these places are built really well and we cant smell anything. I feel like we are fairly even they have to listen to my kids run around above them, and I have to occasionally smell their smoke when I am outside. The only difference is my kids wont kill them! On a happy note, I am having fun decorating, to bad I am not rich so I could fill my house with decor :) I am sure it will take me a year to get everything I want in the place that I want. It would be amazing to me if we lived here for a year though since we seem to move all the time. This is actually the first place that we really love though. The fireplace goes through into the boys room at first I was kinda nervous but I love it. I can spy on them while they play. We also have a garage! I know, I know, to some this may just be your everyday but to me this is a luxury! My car loves it and the leather in my car will thank me. Oh and I have 2 pantry's TWO! Ahh food storage here I come! Anyway we are ready for visiters!! :)
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