So I have recently scheduled family photos. Ok......just today I scheduled them! I feel like I will have to wear a body shrinker. Do they make such a thing? I was looking at pictures just recently that we took on a family day out, and oh my! I had to edit part of my rear-end out of a photo. You know if you have enough to edit half of it out and it still looks like you have one then there is to much junk in the trunk. Time to clean it out! AKA time for a lifestyle change. I have started walking with some friends during the week. However I also need to eat less. I love food!! Its not that we don't eat healthy we do its just I eat way to much of everything I make. I think I might do weight watchers again they have always been a great way for me to still eat what I love but not more than my body needs. It is so strange to me to be so over weight. I feel like I am still the skinny athletic person I used to be. Until I try to do something athletic only to see that my body just isn't what it used to be. Once I tried flipping around the bar at the park. You know the ones that us girls used to flip over and over seeing who could look cooler doing it. Anyway yeah um I got the wind knocked out of me and some bruised ribs! Smart idea! It feels almost like I live in a fat suit. Its like I just put this thing on and now its attached to me but underneath I still feel like I am thin. Does that makes since, some of you are probably like, "hmmm did you remember to take your meds"? The other horrible thing is as I am sitting on my "junk" typing this there is a 3 lb bag of tortilla chips next to me. It never fails that I always have an excuse. Its to cold, its to hot, our neighborhood is not "bike friendly", I am tired, on and on. I am tired of excuses I have to do something and quick. My ten year reunion is not far off, ok wait I am not that old but still it gives me time HAHA. Honestly, I don't care if I have a large rear my husband is quite fond of it. I just do not like having to wear a girdle to church. Now my secret is out and you all know. Yes, I often times wear one to church. Only to come home 3 hours later and immediately take it off so I can breath. "Pain is beauty", my mother would say as she smacked me over the head with the brush while I was whining because she was yanking my hair! Which I always went to school and ran in the bathroom and pulled it all out because I was so embarrassed. (mom I love you but glad you never finished cosmo school, for the sake of other woman) So once again pain is beauty and I like the feeling of my muscles aching after a nice long workout. Now only thing left to do.....START!
I know exactly how you feel! Sometimes I can't believe how out of shape I've allowed myself to get! We can do it together because I refuse to come out the other end of this pregnancy as bad off as the last two left me! We should start a support group in our ward lol!
Thats weird my blog should be open to everyone. huh. I went and checked all my settings and I dont have any restrictions. Strange.
try www.raisingnoblemen.blogspot.com
I know seriously Tasha! Support I need it that swimming suit day mame me really look at myself. Not that I will ever feel comfortable in a swim suit but I still want to feel "ok" :D
Keri, I think I got it this time! I love the pics!! I miss you guys so much! The boys are so big and addorable! The puppy well he has gotten REALLY big too! Love you!! I am so glad you have no more doctor appointments to fill your time with! You are so strong and so amazing! Love ya!!
thanks Caryn, love ya too girl. im so glad you are blogging now. now we can be in better touch and watch each others little men grow up.
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