Tuesday, July 12, 2011

A need a real journal

I love my blog, however there are things you just cant say. This would have been one of those posts but instead I will just talk about how I personally would benifit from a journal.
1. I would be able to express my feelings without judgment
2. I would be able to release stress if need be through my writting.
3. I would not feel like I was hurting or offending anyone by my writting.
4. Nobody will read it til after I am dead so they cant make fun of me. :)
5. Sometimes I feel like I have no girlfriends to talk to from the heart anymore so at least I can talk to myself. hehe
6. I know by doing a journal I am also following advice from leaders :) which in turn may actually teach me something.

and thats all folks


Keri said...

oh my gosh thank you for being yet another confirmation to me most recent strains in life. I too have been feeling the need for a safe place to write all my ins and outs without the whole world seeing it, hence the reason for leaving facebook a year ago. But here I am trapped as well in the world of blogging and i know I have not yet reached my goal of privacy yet when it comes to my most inner thoughts and experiences. Therefore its been amazing to see once again another full circle of answers i have been searcging for in my prayers. As much of a kick and scream as it was leaving facebook I am gonna fine tune my blog as well in search for that privacy. Im thinking of/ or actually doing so a private closed blog of my inner most feeling and experiences and then leaving this blog open for simply events in my life. Leaving my deepest emotions in my heart safe within the locks of a private blog where I can still rpint out books of remembrance from. good luck in your search for that true journal yourself too. journals are great like you said for just the fmaily remembrance but not for the world. i too am closing the dorrs to my heart and not allowing the world in my most sacred events in my life. good luck to you too.

Tasha said...

um...yeah. If anyone ever read my journal before I died it would probably start wwIII in my family lol! That's what journals are for, to be your best friend that won't judge :) I'm hoping some day my girls will read my journal and realize they aren't the only ones who have ever felt 'that' way.

RamirezFamily said...

Keri, I just read your blog as well. I think its great...your writting though is so powerful when put into words. I just have random blurps of thought. hehe! I really have had a lot of emotion latley and need to be able to express it. As I cry on my knees by my bedside, I want to be able to hear those words and write them down. Sometimes as busy as we are we know the words but they get tossed to the wayside in the business of life. I want my journal so I can read back and say "oh yeah know I remember" I need that constant reminder. Maybe I suffer from short term memory loss. I think for people who know me personally they are used to my sacrasm. Others may take things as insults when I personally mean no harm. So once again I think the personal things are to be kept for those we are close too. Those who really know us and know our hearts. Thank you for your comments and you amazing post that conforms answers for me as well. Isnt it crazy how we can get answers from friends even when we dont see each other. Love it!!
Love you,

I think what you said about your journal being your best friend is the best thing ever. Sometimes I think I open my mouth too soon or even too much because I am so overwhelmed. My journal can help me contain those thoughts and keep them private and in turn help me release them. Thanks for being such a great friend :)

Keri said...

oh I am also so glad we both found some great answers to our prayers. What they say is true a real friend is always there to pick you up not matter how far away or the distance apart. thats how we roll sista, and I love that aobut us. I get you and you get me yet we can always lift eachother up when down. Once again you nailed it on the head. I think so often this society has relied on the media and socail networks to help guide us through ongoing challenges in motherhood/wifehood/womenhood but as you said we need to go back to the old school days where we allow our past experiences and lessons from our journal to help guide and direct us on this path of life rather then others perseption or point of views. hey this is what I did it may be something youre interested in too. I went to my blogger:dashboard and you can select the "create a blog" on the top right corner. I just created another family blog but set the settings on private and made me the only author and viewer. I have been able to keep uploading images and recording those personal memories without any others point of views. you may like that. I will continue to keep posting to my normal blog so dont worry im not going anywhere im just gonna work on where I place my feelings and respecting myself engouh to hide those inner most feeligns that are sacred and deer to me. good luck on you journal adventure. Its take me 3 long years to finally find that peace and refuge from the world privatly. first it was leaving facebook last year,can you believe its been that long and not this new change with my blog. man do i ever feel refreshed. its been a long answer to my prayer in waiting. once I condition mysel into keeping my feelings more private I think I will be strong enough to possibly rejoin facebook. that will be a good day when i have self control and confidence to not have to feel obligated to fix everyones problems and that I could go on facebook someday rejuvintate and refined and be simple in my comments and feelings. thats my bottom goal, and im getting there slowly but surely. love ya lots. im always here for you.

RamirezFamily said...

Thats a great idea, to do it online. Cause nothing can even happen to it, I mean a real paper journal is good but it can be destroyed. At least online it can be always there, even if you are away you can log on and write. :) Good thinking! I will have to try this! I was thinking I have the same issue, with seeing things and having them effect me outside of fb. I think you are so strong for not going back. I gave in.... :( however it has been a test for me to be able to keep comments to myself and not allow others comment hurt my feelings. We will see.... maybe I will eventually can that too. Love ya

Mom of 12 said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog and deciding to stay for a while!