Thursday, April 28, 2011
So very very smart....
Yesterday we took the kids to Cicis Pizza for a family lunch. Cadyn was chowing down on a giant piece of broccoli and asked, "why is it green"? I looked at William and shrugged and said chlorophyll I think... William then goes on this big spiel about why plants are green and on and on. I am thinking how the heck does he know all this. I mean yes, my husband is very book smart. Random facts that most people would have no idea about he some how knows. Anyway, I was like wow well that's good info. Cadyn was just sitting there absorbing all of it like a sponge like he does. Which I am sure he will eventually repeat at any moment someone it talking about plants. Which will make people look at me strange like I teach my child all these scientific terms. (don't tell my husband sometimes I smile and take the credit) However, the point to my rambling is, later William tells me he learned all that on The Magic School Bus. Well at least I know we are all learning something right no matter where the knowledge comes from. Sucks, that I have to pay thousands of dollars for my education and I couldn't even answer that question for my child.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Depressing Day...More like pitty party
YAY My husband finally gave in and we do not have to move to a new house. At least for now, we are going to push through another tornado season in our manufactured home! Yes, I live in a trailer not like one of those tires on the roof tin can ones. But its still a trailer or manufactured home if you will. PS not that I am bashing trailers, I for one have lived in many. Yes, I consider myself to be classy white trash LOL jk. Anyway my husband has been having severe anxiety about living here he thinks we are going to die. Which I mean common if a tornado did hit our house we would. There is no storm shelter and no ditches because we live on a hill. But, after much thought and stress we are keeping our faith strong and hoping that a tornado doesnt land on our house. So if you do not see a post from me for a while check the news channel haha. This year has been a doosy, just yesterday there was 6 tornados about an hour some 2 hours away. This month is just the beginning and has already broken records. Lets see how the rest go! Maybe we will land in OZ!
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Its done :D

Thursday, April 21, 2011
Monday, April 18, 2011
Late Night Fiesta (10pm) Experiance

I love other cultures, I find them fascinating and enjoy being around different people and learning different things from them. So, last night was my first experience with a "Mexican" birthday party. I can say at first I was little hesitant, and beginning to get mildly crabby ok very much crabby from my husbands perspective. FYI (I tend to get this way when I really do not want to do something but know I will end up doing it anyway) After waking up to a massive migraine that morning and already upset because I did not attend church, I really did not want to go. Then I here something about fajitas and my mind starts to slightly shift. Food? now that's something that can get me moving haha. Then you throw some tres leche cake in there and you can for sure count me in! So, I throw on some clothes, and head over. It starts out pretty quiet everyone is sitting around eating and enjoying each others company. Which once again hello, Mexican party means Spanish speaking 99% English speaking 1%. So, I try to bust out some Spanglish and pretend I am comfortable. But, the food, oh the food was AMAZING. So I just stuff my face and shake my head and smile. Then the music starts.... the very loud music, from very large speakers! Everyone is having a great time the kids are having a blast and then bust out the pinata which was also great. Then the cake comes out, they shove the little girls face in and my boys and starring at me with wide eyes. Another tradition I am sure they will get used to seeing. As the sun starts to set, everyone gets out of their seats and begins to dance. Which is great, I LOVE TO DANCE...... only when its in a large group, in the dark, and to something that has more of a booty skakin beat. The style strangely reminded me of small Rock River dances where people just made up their own things and went with it. After partner dancing was over I figured I could handle just standing in a group dancing. Which was fun until they shoved me in the middle to bust a move. The first thing that comes to mind was the sprinkler!! haha a total white girl move so I just busted it out and didn't care. I was ok with all this and proceeded back to my seat after the song. Until I was asked to dance by a well lets just say we all know how tall most Mexicans are. I insisted I didn't know how and was not going to dance. After several minutes of him not understanding or just not wanting to, because hello "NO" is a world wide term, I finally gave in. BIG MISTAKE! Not only did I not know what I was doing, but I am like a foot taller than this guy so I stand out WAY more than anyone else. Finally the music started to die down and I could head back to my house, ok with looking like a fool because most likely everyone had to much to drink and wont remember the freakishly tall white girl.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Ideas from the peanut gallery
I love couponing! I think its amazing, if only I where good at it! I always start and do OK then give it up because its super time consuming and you have to organize it all and well I am not very organized! So, calling all coupon queens I need someone to take me by the hand and teach me this amazing skill. Anyone up for the task? Do they have classes or something in out area? More than likely I am capable of doing it on my own I just need to be more organized about it so that I don't get to the store and they fall all over the place. Anyone wanna join me on my challenge? Another idea I have been having... I really need to keep up with my family history I have one REALLY long line done. The others have a little here and little there. I would love to have support in this area as well since I tend to get stuck and then give up. I love family history and find it fascinating. I would love to spend all day at the family history center, but I have kids and pretty sure they would not do well. So another interest group to be added to our long list of ward groups? Hmmm I think we can squeeze one or two more in. Its not like we all aren't super busy as it is...... haha!
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Larger than life

So I have recently scheduled family photos. Ok......just today I scheduled them! I feel like I will have to wear a body shrinker. Do they make such a thing? I was looking at pictures just recently that we took on a family day out, and oh my! I had to edit part of my rear-end out of a photo. You know if you have enough to edit half of it out and it still looks like you have one then there is to much junk in the trunk. Time to clean it out! AKA time for a lifestyle change. I have started walking with some friends during the week. However I also need to eat less. I love food!! Its not that we don't eat healthy we do its just I eat way to much of everything I make. I think I might do weight watchers again they have always been a great way for me to still eat what I love but not more than my body needs. It is so strange to me to be so over weight. I feel like I am still the skinny athletic person I used to be. Until I try to do something athletic only to see that my body just isn't what it used to be. Once I tried flipping around the bar at the park. You know the ones that us girls used to flip over and over seeing who could look cooler doing it. Anyway yeah um I got the wind knocked out of me and some bruised ribs! Smart idea! It feels almost like I live in a fat suit. Its like I just put this thing on and now its attached to me but underneath I still feel like I am thin. Does that makes since, some of you are probably like, "hmmm did you remember to take your meds"? The other horrible thing is as I am sitting on my "junk" typing this there is a 3 lb bag of tortilla chips next to me. It never fails that I always have an excuse. Its to cold, its to hot, our neighborhood is not "bike friendly", I am tired, on and on. I am tired of excuses I have to do something and quick. My ten year reunion is not far off, ok wait I am not that old but still it gives me time HAHA. Honestly, I don't care if I have a large rear my husband is quite fond of it. I just do not like having to wear a girdle to church. Now my secret is out and you all know. Yes, I often times wear one to church. Only to come home 3 hours later and immediately take it off so I can breath. "Pain is beauty", my mother would say as she smacked me over the head with the brush while I was whining because she was yanking my hair! Which I always went to school and ran in the bathroom and pulled it all out because I was so embarrassed. (mom I love you but glad you never finished cosmo school, for the sake of other woman) So once again pain is beauty and I like the feeling of my muscles aching after a nice long workout. Now only thing left to do.....START!
Friday, April 1, 2011
Today has been a DAY!

Today has just been one of those days!!! Not sure what it was...woke up feeling fine and then it began. Could it possibly be that I live with a 2 year old going on 3? Maybe OK most definitely!! I have no idea why people say that 2 is a horrible age. I find it to be amazing. Then they get to 3 and something happens somehow the sweet adorable kid you knew turns all crazy! I will have to confess I did have a freak out at Sonic today. I pulled up and was super excited to get some relief by sucking down a cherry limeade only to see that I left my debit card at home! It think maybe it could have a lot more to do with me at this point than my children. Being a woman we all know that sometimes we tend to get a little crabby! Yes I will blame it on PMS! Ok lets say 3/4 PMS and 1/4 children having a crabby day. Ahhh but now the days is almost over and my husband is almost home. Tomorrow is Conference and I get to fill my mind and body with the rejuvenation that it needs.
Lets try this again.......
So after help from friends and trying to get into this blogging thing, I discovered that I already had a blog! Sooo I am going to be using this one and you will all have to add yourselves because I have no idea how to find you or request that you follow me. I figure since I am really bad at keeping a journal this can be my online journal. Well kinda, there are some things that are personal or just TMI!! So I will spare you those details.
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