Sometimes I like to avoid my blog... and just read what everyone else is doing in life. But there has been so many cool and exciting things going on I thought I should share.
1. Cadyn started school!! He is big! I was way more nervous than he was for SURE. I talked about it everday til about Thursday. My husband keep telling me to get my emotions in check cause I was going to scare the kids. haha yeah I am slightly crazy. Well it is now Friday I picked up Cadyn with a smile on his face. He got to pick out pay dough from the treasure bin this week for staying in the green all week (that means he was good) He is doing amazing, I think letting him go and be independent put me into shock for a couple days...but seeing his joy and love for school has made me feel amazing!! Also having only one kid in the house I feel like wow, I have no reason not to get everything done. I had the house all clean by lunchtime and then felt like I wasnt sure what to do. Collyn and I hang out and play and watch Veggie tales :) Its been great!
2.We went to Carson and saw friends and family. It was so fun! A week just was not enough, I actually could have just stayed there as I am sure William felt the same. But as you can see we are back in Texas. Yea! Anyway we got to see friends we havent got to see in a long time. It was great, to see kids that were babys just last year that are so big now. Kids that werent even on this earth yet last year and are already sitting. Others who were just crawlers and are now runners hehe. It was so bitter sweet, it makes me miss home and all the people that go with it. I have more pictures but, I now have a smart phone and I am not even smart enough to use it. SO I dont know how to put the pictures online. I will post more later...
ahhhh Caydn is such a big kindergarten kid. Im glad you and him are adjusting well. its takes some getting used to for us moms to watch our first born baby grow up so fast. It was so nice seeing you guys and seeing the kids. hvae a great school year and hopefully we will see you again next summer.
:) Thanks yeah it was a little hard, but its really only taken me close to a week to be able to get it together. It was great seeing you too!! We will for sure get together again soon! :)
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