So today was the day.... William and I went to get our "couples massage" and I was super nervous! It was almost like I was driving to the girl doctor for some reason. I think just the thought of being partially naked in front of someone makes me ill no matter who it is. (even my husband at times) So William and I get there and the place was so nice it smelt good the music was nice. We begin by filling out our little paper work, William who has previously had a massage was drawing all over the body picture on the sheet. I was like what the heck are you doing? He just ignores me when he is annoyed with my questions. The lady behind the desk was like, "any preference for male or female?" William was like, "I don't want a mans hands rubbing me down!" I looked at her and smiled and said "my husband would like a female and I don't care either way" She hands us a paper with the massage therapists names on them. William looks at mine and was like "wait that ones mine" as I look at the paper and it says Jennifer, his paper said Reagan. I was like well... Reagan is a girls name so I am pretty sure they are both girls. He was like "give me the Jennifer one". Ok, ok geez, I was thinking seriously they are both girls!
Well lo and behold Reagan was a man. Dangit, I was thinking, I wish I had said I wanted a girl too. To late now! We head back and they ask if we needed to use the restroom. William was like um yeah.... He looks at me and is like "I need those" I was like need what? He look at me with his annoyed face and was like "I need those!" I was getting sightly embarrassed, and was like "William we will get dressed in the room." He was like OH, ok.
I am sure the massage people where like what the heck? I am sure they thought we where like either weird and kinky or my husband had a medical condition that he did not list on the paper. So, we get to our room they show us where to put our clothes and walk out of the room. I reach in my bag and throw Williams BATMAN, underwear at him. This was the "those" item he was referring to at the bathroom stop!
Anyway the massage was going well, I mean I did not enjoy him rubbing my legs at all. Not even relaxing. I was excited as he moved to my back, UNTIL..... my hand was cupping something I did not want to be touching. At first I was thinking naaa its just his upper thigh maybe his arm? I was thinking what the heck should I do? I mean if I pull my hand away quickly he would obviously know that I was assuming it was his...... well, manhood. If I just laid there and did nothing then I felt like I was committing a horrible sin. Then when it happened a second time! I was like ok that is not his upper thigh. Gross... so not only was I already uncomfortable, but then you not once, but twice you have your pelvis area to close to the table. So as he stepped away from the table I pulled my hands in as close to my body as they would go and the experience did not happend again. Thank goodness!
Yes, I told my husband when we got out to the car. He just laughed at me! He was like "see.... that is exactly why I would never have a man rubbing my back" I was thinking yeah well whatever who names their boy Reagan anyway!
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
A need a real journal
I love my blog, however there are things you just cant say. This would have been one of those posts but instead I will just talk about how I personally would benifit from a journal.
1. I would be able to express my feelings without judgment
2. I would be able to release stress if need be through my writting.
3. I would not feel like I was hurting or offending anyone by my writting.
4. Nobody will read it til after I am dead so they cant make fun of me. :)
5. Sometimes I feel like I have no girlfriends to talk to from the heart anymore so at least I can talk to myself. hehe
6. I know by doing a journal I am also following advice from leaders :) which in turn may actually teach me something.
and thats all folks
1. I would be able to express my feelings without judgment
2. I would be able to release stress if need be through my writting.
3. I would not feel like I was hurting or offending anyone by my writting.
4. Nobody will read it til after I am dead so they cant make fun of me. :)
5. Sometimes I feel like I have no girlfriends to talk to from the heart anymore so at least I can talk to myself. hehe
6. I know by doing a journal I am also following advice from leaders :) which in turn may actually teach me something.
and thats all folks
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Love this show!
Does anyone else watch The Nate Berkus Show? I really really love that show, I enjoy home decor and think its fun! I like to take nothing and make it something, I dream about decorating. I know I am soooo cool right... I can picture rooms in my head and place things were I want them. Its fun and free haha being that I picture all this junk in my mind and cannot do it in my own house since well, that would cost money! haha Anyway about The Nate Berkus show.... This lady was trying to sell her house which by the way was super cute. She just has so much CRAP, you know those old lady houses that are just filled with nic nacks and you want to PUKE. I mean sometimes it can bring back great memories at grandmas house but you wouldnt want live there for fear you would suffocate! This poor woman just had no shame she was SO proud of her house! However, she was trying to sell it and they people that walked in the door pretty much turned around and walked out. Then this poor lady shows up on the show with a freakin bandaid on her face! I mean seriously she is a super cute older lady her clothes are fashionable she is addorable. I just find it very strange that she has a bandaid on her face. I was thinking maybe she cut herself shaving? Some old people men and woman has hair issues, then she just forgot it was there. I am not sure why nobody told her before she walked out on to a national television show. I feel bad for her as I am sitting here watching her and bad mouthing her bandaid and her house. It did give me a good laugh though. :) Maybe she was trying to pull a "Nelly" stunt. I really have no idea. Then at the end she gives Nate a aqwardly long sensual type kiss, I mean it was on the cheek but still extremly uncomfortable. Ok I am done with my random rant about an old lady. If you have not seen the Nate Berkus show you should better than Martha Stewart anyday!!
New Place

Cadyn was trying to help out our awesome maintenance guy fix the door. 
Collyn loves swimming, if we arent home you know where to find us.

Collyn loves swimming, if we arent home you know where to find us.
WallE is enjoying the new place too.

Flat top stoves ROCK so easy to clean
My shoes have a place!

Living room

Fireplace SO EXCITED to use this during the winter

Dining area

Bedroom, there is a super cute nook off to the right that goes out onto a private patio.
We are really enjoying our new place. However it always seems we move in next to smokers I am not sure why this always happens but at lease these places are built really well and we cant smell anything. I feel like we are fairly even they have to listen to my kids run around above them, and I have to occasionally smell their smoke when I am outside. The only difference is my kids wont kill them! On a happy note, I am having fun decorating, to bad I am not rich so I could fill my house with decor :) I am sure it will take me a year to get everything I want in the place that I want. It would be amazing to me if we lived here for a year though since we seem to move all the time. This is actually the first place that we really love though. The fireplace goes through into the boys room at first I was kinda nervous but I love it. I can spy on them while they play. We also have a garage! I know, I know, to some this may just be your everyday but to me this is a luxury! My car loves it and the leather in my car will thank me. Oh and I have 2 pantry's TWO! Ahh food storage here I come! Anyway we are ready for visiters!! :)
We are really enjoying our new place. However it always seems we move in next to smokers I am not sure why this always happens but at lease these places are built really well and we cant smell anything. I feel like we are fairly even they have to listen to my kids run around above them, and I have to occasionally smell their smoke when I am outside. The only difference is my kids wont kill them! On a happy note, I am having fun decorating, to bad I am not rich so I could fill my house with decor :) I am sure it will take me a year to get everything I want in the place that I want. It would be amazing to me if we lived here for a year though since we seem to move all the time. This is actually the first place that we really love though. The fireplace goes through into the boys room at first I was kinda nervous but I love it. I can spy on them while they play. We also have a garage! I know, I know, to some this may just be your everyday but to me this is a luxury! My car loves it and the leather in my car will thank me. Oh and I have 2 pantry's TWO! Ahh food storage here I come! Anyway we are ready for visiters!! :)
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