Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Happy Days
When I look back through the years I can laugh. I am sure I will have many more of these moments in the future. The trails that we are going through now some day wont matter. As for now I just look back on the short time I have been here. I have made so many great friends and so not so good friends. I have had good experiances and bad experiances. But, isnt this what life is all about? We live and try to make the best choices and do the best we can to choose the right. I cannot say I have always choosen the right, however I feel like I have done pretty darn good with what I was handed. We get stuck in the mud sometimes and it sucks, you can either sit and squabble in it and pull yourself down further or look around and think about your options and then choose the best one. I have been feeling really let down by someone latley and the dumb part is there is no real reason that I could pin point. I am just feeling hurt, and currently I am the one squabbling in the mud and complaining in my mind over something that really doesnt matter. Its not affecting me in my day to day life it doesnt effect my family and really it just plainly doesnt matter. Or does it? I have always been a believer that people are put in our lives for certian reasons. Those people who have influenced my life for the better I hold dear to my heart. I strive to be a good friend, and find it to be a blessing to have so many good friends. I am easily hurt by people who take advantage of this type of thing. I am not perfect and for sure have stepped on several toes in my life. I just love it when friendships are easy, they just happen and they just are, the flow of a good friendship makes my face hurt from hours of smiling. I am so blessed to have moved to Texas and through all the trials it was so worth it to gain some amazing friendships. If I had a glass of sparkling cider I would clank it together with all of "ya'll" here is to many more family dinners, game nights, and girls nights!
Friday, May 27, 2011
Vacation Home

I think this was the quickest trip I have ever taken but it was AWESOME!! I got to see almost everyone on my trip and it was great! to bad I forgot my camera. The trip started off with a plane ride that was more like a roller coaster. I woke up at 3am to catch my plane and say goodbye to the boys and the hubby. Collyn was crying and it was breaking my heart as I walked away. My heart was pounding as I got the airport I haven't flown by myself in years! I know that sounds lame but I really do not like flying at all, and taking a trip by myself without the kids and hubby was a first for me. As I got ready to board the plane I looked out the window to see the tiniest plane I have ever seen, besides the ones that they have to flick the spinner thing in the front. As I boarded there was one seat on one side and two seats on the other. Seriously the smallest plane EVER!! Luckily I did not have to sit next to someone with as large of a rear end as mine or we would have been in for some (uncomfortable) trouble. As I landed in Denver and realized I had to exit the plane by walking down the stairs and onto the tarmac I remembered I had left the sweater I was going to bring on my bed at home. It was instant goosebumps as I walked out into the windy rain weather. Then the "bag people" drug all the luggage out from under the plane and allowed all their lovely passengers to sift through and grab their bags! What the heck? I felt like I had just landed in a foreign country! It was hard to believe that service like this still existed in the US. Not saying I expect first class, and for the price I paid for that ticket I really should not have expected more. After making way to Billings in another tiny plane I was relieved to arrive and get the vacation started. My mom picked my up and we headed to my cousin Tamis beautiful spanking new house for lunch. It was great to see her girls and Brady boy who is so big and cute as ever. We then headed off to Worland where I got to meet my moms boyfriend for the first time. I have to be honest I was a little worried! (sorry mom) However, I was pleasantly surprised and think Earnie fits so well into our family. He is awesome and I am so happy for them. We went out to dinner at Butch's for my birthday and enjoyed a yummy buffalo burger. Then I headed out for a crazy night with my cousin, then watching her barf the next morning really reminds me that FOR SURE I am not missing out on anything. It was great to catch up with some old friends though. I had been awake for 24 hours since my plane left at 3 am the morning before and I figured it was time for bed. Then when the sun came up a couple hours later my mom and I where off to Casper and then her car broke down. Awesome it never fails that something like this always happens when we are together. After that dilemma we where on our way to Casper and made it in time for dinner. I met my cousins boyfriend and for sure he is a keeper! Her kids are also getting so big and super cute! The next morning we headed off to Guernsey to see Lacey graduate. Her graduation was one of the best graduations I have ever been to EVER! It was interesting and fun. We then headed to her house for the party afterwards and it was super fun! I miss my sisters already and all my family it was so great to be able to see all of them even though it was a short trip it was well worth it. I finally made it home after hours of layovers and the possibility of having to sleep in the Denver airport I made it home safely, just in time for the lovely tornado's! That's a whole nother story though!
~mother, I love beans!! BAHAHA
Monday, May 16, 2011
Under the thumb
Do you ever feel like you are always being judge? I often have felt the anxiety of "well what would they think"? "how are they going to find a way to make fun of me"? On and on, sometimes I think people are like this unintentionally, I don't think they really engage their brain before speaking. Sometimes I still find myself holding onto these things. Often times letting them take hold of me and form me into something I don't want to be. Why does it matter? After all does Heavenly Father really care if I have a brand new car? or a house full of designer furniture? NO, he cares about my heart and who I am not the things that surround my life. Embarrassment is something that is taught and not from Heavenly Father. It causes people to feel like they need to impress those around them to make themselves feel better. I did not grow up in a house that taught judgment or embarrassment. Heck our house was not the cutest house on the block growing up. Often times I found myself to be embarrassed, but why? Of course I am in control of my own feelings, however when you know you are being judged by those who are around you it hurts. I never want that for my kids, I want their friends to except them as they are that includes everything. If they don't then they are not true friend and even worse not very good examples. For me personally this causes me to pull away from Heavenly Father and seek after things that have no real meaning. As for today I am letting them go.... I am in a great place in life and couldn't love it more! Nobody really knows my life except those friends that I am surrounded by. People can think they know and make up your life in their mind, but once again they really have no idea. However I am starting to get to the point were I have to come from a different perspective. I have to see it through Heavenly Fathers eyes and not the eyes of the world. I have never been happier, I have my awesome family and some super great friends. True friends take you as you are, shortfalls and all. There are also those friend who I am not surrounded by that are still a strength to me and I am so grateful for that as well. I love life, Heavenly Father has blessed me with a great husband who is so strong and such a strength to me as well. I am just so thankful to be along side him with our great boys! Its also time to try for a girl! :) I was hoping for twins just to only have to be pregnant once and get two bundles of joy. Since that is highly unlikely guess we will just have to have another 2 close together. That was my morning random rant.....time to get my day started.
Friday, May 13, 2011
Playing catchup

My son peed in a cup for the first time (FYI he really had no other option) It took some very very long contemplation before he figured he could do it. The horrible part was as we where sitting in the Carls Jr. drive through for the last 25 minutes they kindly asked me to pull forward and I sat out front for another 10! I walked in and kindly threw the McDonalds cup in the trash! Wouldn't want to litter or anything plus they made me wait to long they deserved it!
Our cat/dog decided to show back up on mothers day after six months of being gone. WallE returned to our house and is more like a dog than a cat. He whines when he wants to go out and go potty! Which is awesome because I do not like litter boxes they are SICK! Anyway we missed him and he crawled in bed with us like he never left. Little does he now he will now be taken in to get snipped (poor guy)

I bought some awesome neon food coloring to do a cake for a baby shower. My kids somehow climbed up on the counter and got it our of the baking cabinet. I was just sweeping and mopping the kitchen thinking nothing of it. Cadyn often makes his own PB&J's (I think its important to teach my kids to be self suffciant) Anyway so I didn't even really look up. Next thing I know they are playing their bedroom like they often do. Collyn comes running out with something all over his legs. I figured it was marker (which we don't have in our house unless they are supervised) Then I thought hmmm we don't have markers? I walked into the room to see the "RAINBOW" carpet! There carpets was ruined and Collyn had pink face for about 3 days! We will be replacing the carpet before we move out... yay us!

I bought some awesome neon food coloring to do a cake for a baby shower. My kids somehow climbed up on the counter and got it our of the baking cabinet. I was just sweeping and mopping the kitchen thinking nothing of it. Cadyn often makes his own PB&J's (I think its important to teach my kids to be self suffciant) Anyway so I didn't even really look up. Next thing I know they are playing their bedroom like they often do. Collyn comes running out with something all over his legs. I figured it was marker (which we don't have in our house unless they are supervised) Then I thought hmmm we don't have markers? I walked into the room to see the "RAINBOW" carpet! There carpets was ruined and Collyn had pink face for about 3 days! We will be replacing the carpet before we move out... yay us!
Family Pictures
Friday, May 6, 2011
Worst mother of the year award!
I am still shaking, and can run faster than I ever thought I could. Picture this.......I was talking with a neighbor holding this baby that I have been watching. My boys where in the car asleep when I pulled up. So I just got out left the door open and the windows down and was talking with my neighbor. Cadyn woke up and was sitting in the front passenger seat. Which I felt was ok since I was only like 10 -12 ft from the car. Well I was wrong, Cadyn pulled my car into reverse and my car started to roll down the driveway. The girl next door was like screaming, I really did not know I could run that fast. WHOA, was I mad and scared all at the same time! FYI the car was not running nor where the keys in the ignition. I guess you should never assume that your car requires the brake to be pushed to be put into gear! My E brake will be on from know on when my car is in the drive. Not that my kids will be playing in the car but seriously that was so scary! The crappy part is I was talking with my neighbor about someone else and how their "mom" skills weren't the best. Awesome, just goes to show that anything can happen anywhere and of course it happened to me and there where people around to see how dumb I am! AWESOME! I promise I don't let me kids play with knives or anything so there is no need to call cps! I am sure I will get a big enough lecture from my husband when he gets home.
The worst mother
The worst mother
Monday, May 2, 2011
Cake Continuation

1 1/3 c. all purpose flour
1/2 c. corn meal
1 tsp. baking powder
1/4 tsp. salt
6 Tbsp. softened butter
3/4 c. gran. sugar
1/4 c. brown sugar
2 eggs
1/2 c. milk
a dash of cinnamon
1 c. of cherry pie filling (you could use fresh)
In a mixing bowl I added the flour, corn meal, baking powder, and salt. Then I mixed together, the sugars, eggs, and butter in a separate bowl. Then I added it to the mixing bowl of dry ingredients then slowly poured in the milk. Don't over mix it. Then fold in the cherry filling and the cinnamon. It should be lightly swirled through the batter. Then I baked it in the crock pot on high for like 90 minutes. But I would bake it in the oven at 325 for about 25 minutes. Watch it on the time since I didn't cook it in the over I am not sure how long to leave it in for. Maybe start with 15 and check it from there. Let me know if you try and it and what you think. You could also use other fruit of your choice too. Like I said we ate it warm with vanilla ice cream. You could eat it however.
Here ya go
Seems like every time we have people over for dinner, they are always asking me "now how did you make this?" They think I am crazy when I reply, "um I don't really know!" I often times pull whatever I have in the cabinets out and make something up. I do a lot of smelling of ingredients, and several taste tests. So, I figured if I started writing things down as I did it I can always hand off a recipe to share. Today I am going to try something new. I love corn bread A LOT! I can just eat corn bread for a snack, its super yummy. So I figured why cant I make corn bread into a cake? So this is what I am going to try.... Cherry corn bread cake. Sounds yummy to me, I don't know about you! Recipe and pictures will follow.....hopefully it will not be a flop! See you on the flip side hopefully it will be a good one!
Sunday, May 1, 2011
mmmm elk
So I know Texas is not known for its large herds of elk, but I really just want a nice big elk steak! I would even settle for some nice buffalo at this point. I am sick of eating turkey and chicken over and over. I am ok with buying beef from the store sometimes but I just know its not good quality meat. I have been thinking I really want to start canning. I of course will do veggies and fruits. However I really want to can, chili and soups, and meats. This would really help our food storage and also save us money in the long run. Well, since I did not marry a orange vest wearing Wyoming boy, the search is left up to me. I know Oklahoma had big game hunting, but I just don't know if I really really can hack things like that anymore. The city girl has slowly taken over my life. I used to be a toughie which I can be if its needed, but now I tend to get ill over the slightest nasty smell. Could be from months of being very sick while pregnant. Not sure but my stomach can only handle so much now. I also don't even own a gun, lol. I refuse to them in my house! I grew up with guns, I had my own gun in my closet on the top shelf. I helped butcher our meat, we canned stuff. Everything was from scratch, what has happened to me? I have boxed mac and cheese and top ramen in our food storage! I mean ok so if we are starving I am sure nobody will complain, but I really would like to be a much better homemaker. I am now on the search to find out how I can get wild game without it costing me an arm and a leg. I know they have meat markets around here where you can buy a half a beef or even pork. But I really would prefer wild game. It is so much healthier for you. Are there any hidden rednecks in our ward? haha I am thinking no! Well if you know of any information please pass it on to me. Maybe I will have to get manly and head back up north during hunting season and haul it back down here? Uh just thinking about that makes me think I will just go to the store and keep eating turkey burgers. hehe.... About canning though I really think it would be great if we could get a group together and everyone make a pot of something and we share it and can it all. Fun times and healthy eating!
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