Well the month on November has came and went! Actually this year has came and went way to fast. This month we moved into our place unpacked and decorated in a weekend only for me to decide 2 weeks later that I wanted to change it all around. I think my husband is now used to my crazy ideas 20 minutes before company is to arrive. He was standing in the kitchen staring at me and just said well if you want to do that go ahead and walked away. Don't we all wish we could have husbands that smile genuinely and say, "of course dear". Yeah, well I got it all done in 15 minutes that includes hooking all the speakers back up. Until we tried to start a movie and couldn't hear anything.... ooopss! Maybe next time he will help me :) Anyway then it was of course time for Thanksgiving which we had at my grandmas house it was great the food rocked. It was way different than I am used to though, but that's ok. I love Thanksgiving were you all do things together, the guys and kids head out for some turkey bowl, the ladies make appetizer's that we eat all day until we finally sit down to a table of food around 3 and pig out even more. Then everyone waddles off somewhere for a much needed nap only to wake up and play games and laugh and laugh about dumb things. Most of the time I can do anything and make then laugh as they are all slightly tipsy and its easy to also win the games ;) However, it was great food and a good time. Then William and I went out for some black Friday shopping which isn't really even back Friday its more like after you eat dinner Thursday night shopping. (DUMB) I hate that the stores open on Thanksgiving I think they should all at least wait til midnight. But of course Walmart wants to take over the world so they opened at 10. William and I were there cheating our way through the store... meaning stuff that was not wrapped we grabbed and put in our cart and covered with a coat. However the DVD section was guarded with the men in blue so we waited 2 more hours just for DVD's. It was 3 minutes until 10 and I was about to fall asleep in the box of dvd's until suddenly one person reached in for a dvd! Then the chaos began plastic was thrown everywhere people were pushing and shoving! I grabbed what I wanted and casually headed over to the checkout line and watched the craziness from afar... haha suckers!! Jk that's mean after all I had cheated and snuck around and got what I wanted hours earlier. I did see some old lady about ready to get into a fight over a 1.67 DVD that was pretty interesting. Then we headed out for Best Buy the line already had about 250 people however we decided to stand for the next 3 hours til the opened. We met some interesting people a young couple who met in college. The girl adorable and sweet the guy nice but different. There was also some nice people handing out hot cocoa and coffee. Thats nice but no thanks I am weird about taking stuff like that from people. Grosses me out! Anyway after our long FREEZING cold 3 hour wait we ran inside only to not get what we wanted and ended up with a crappy blu ray player that we took back the next day. It was fun and William and I had a good time however I dont think I will ever stand in line like that again. It would have to be a pretty good deal and something really wanted. Plus the fact that people are insane... I mean did you hear about the pepper spray lady? Seriously? I prefer to not get stabbed in the store over a toy. I need to be better about shopping all year and putting things up in the closet so I am not rushing around in November trying to get what I want. PS I am still not done shopping! Oh yeah and I almost forgot my favorite shopping trip of the night. CVS, I know you are thinking LOOSER! But not when I tell you I got a sonicare toothbrush normally 112 bucks for 14.99 oh yeah and a norelco electric shaver normally 69.99 for 16.99. Then got a 10 dollar gift card that I then used to purchase my walmart items. It was a great November but common December and bring on the SNOW!!